We have set aside most of our usual business agenda, and are holding instead something we are calling " Meeting to Hear God's Call ." We are hearing a lot of messages about world suffering, economic injustice, environmental destruction. We hear a lot of despair. Some of the messages feel rooted in Spirit to me; if others are, it is not in a way that I can discern. I wrestle with my own anxiety over doing "enough." I know that I live in a manner that is far more comfortable than 90% of the planet's humans ever will; I know that my lifestyle is unsustainable. I know that I have not sold all I have and given it to the poor (though I'm also grateful that, as a non-Christian among Friends, that one is not a given for me, but one whose social justice message must prove itself to me on its own terms, not just because Rabbi Yoshua said it back in the wayback.) (Mind you, it's message is pretty damned compelling.) I am in the weeds; I am in the ta...
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