Well, so, as I said in my previous post , what I would ask of Quaker Christians is to stay low to the Truth, not to hide it or apologize for it. ...Do not share one syllable more of your Scriptures than the "Spirit that gave them forth" is speaking in you--but equally, do not share one syllable less. And for all Quakers, Christian or non-Christian, I'm suggesting that When speaking from Spirit, we use whatever language That Spirit lends us--and that we remember that the standard is not to be "nice" to anyone: be bold! But do not speak beyond what is given you to say: be low. It's not enough to speak your truth, as you experienced it once, years ago. You must speak from love, in the present moment, and from Spirit, also in the present moment. Is there more? What else do I need from Christian Quakers, specifically? I want you to understand that, as a Christian, even as a Quaker Christian, you possess a significant amount of...
Welcome to the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.