The other day, a Christian friend posted a link to two articles on the phenomenon of celebrity pastors, " The Evangelical Industrial Complex ." And it got me thinking about the similarities and differences that exist, between the evangelical community and within my Pagan community. The issues in the Pagan community are different... but related, I think. "The market"--whether we're talking about publishing or speakers at large gatherings--is really the only Commons we have for our community; because we have always been cash poor, we have very few non-profit institutions that can promote leadership and share ideas on anything but a market-values basis. Until very recently, everything we have built had to pay for itself through market share in order to support itself at all. And while projects like the fund drives for Cherry Hill Seminary and The Wild Hunt are beginning to help with that, it's still largely true: what has a potential to bring in cash...
Welcome to the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.