I love my garden to a ridiculous degree. The Garden. Cat Chapin-Bishop, 2015. It's not all ridiculous. There are some traditional considerations behind my love. Home grown tomatoes are a unique joy, and never running out of cucumbers is nifty, too. And I come from a line of gardeners on both sides: I have many happy childhood memories of standing barefoot in my dad’s garden, feeling the warmth of the composting grass clippings he used to keep down the weeds as I picked us the lettuce or zucchini for our supper, and my aunt managed to feed a family of five with the summer produce she froze and canned herself every year. I do my share of freezing and canning, too–but I came clean with myself this year about my garden: my love for my garden is not much about saving money or even the difference between a fresh, garden tomato and one from a grocery store. None of those sensible, practical reasons are really where I draw my bottom line. I figu...
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