Barefoot Pagan. Original photo, 2016. E very now and then, I look at what most Pagans want to read about and what I want to write about, and I wonder how many of my readers are left scratching their heads about what makes me even think I am a Pagan. Or a Quaker friend will ask me to explain my Pagan practices, and their sense of disappointment when I do is almost palpable. I don’t talk about spells. My rituals are simple in the extreme. I rarely wear fancy robes and jewelry, and while my gods are very important to me, they’re somehow… personal. I don’t talk about them for something the same reason I don’t talk about my sex life; it would just feel… awkward, for lack of a better word. So what is there to show that I’m a Pagan? Yes, I revere the Old Gods (and no, I’m not going to tell you which ones, and I’m not going to show you nudie pics of my sweetie, either). And yes, I do the odd bit of magic here and there. Some of it, like m...
Welcome to the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.