I was out in the back yard a few weeks ago, and I looked up and saw the full moon, brilliant and sharp in a clear night sky. Seeing it, I found myself quietly singing a song by the ritual performance group Mothertongue : "The Moon is high at the witching hour, Children come to this place of power; Our hands are raised to four directions, Spirit force is born again." I felt a wave of awareness of the magickal quality of its beauty, very like the feeling I once had of walking into a Benedictine monastery when I was a young man and feeling the Holy Spirit settling over my shoulders like a warm blanket. And somehow, the beauty reminded me of how important it is to me that the Gods are persons. I’ve been reading Plotinus, a neoplatonist philosopher, and he’s fascinating. His Enneads are one of the foundational texts of western mysticism and magick…but he’s missing something. It’s the same thing I found missing in the Tao Te Ching . Taoists and neoplaton...
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