Our salad garden in October Tally of new plastic waste since our last report: 11 oz. So, a few weeks ago, I posted very optimistically about the possibility of subsisting through the winter on salads from greens I grew myself, on my windowsill. And a glance at this picture will explain why. With our excellent southern exposure and a couple of self-watering planters, I had big dreams for green leafies. Now, I'm a little wary of any "earth-friendly" project that begins by buying new stuff--especially, as these planters were, new plastic stuff. But I love salads, and I really did not want to go back to plastic-wrapped salads hauled over distances, so I went online and ordered these. (I know myself; if it were my job to make it rain anywhere on the planet, that locale would quickly become a desert.) In this picture, the planters look very promising, don't they? I planted the lettuce quite close together, as I have done on occasion in the past outdoors, when I've ...
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