Last April, as I may have mentioned, Peter and I planted a sort of mini-orchard of eight semi-dwarf apple trees. Our new old house sits on a main artery. Behind the house are literally hundreds of acres of woods, filled with deer, red squirrels, bears, and every sort of tree--including a few old, abandoned apples, and even some lingering chestnut trees. Before you've gone a quarter of a mile into the woods, the road sounds have faded away, and there's nothing left but the sighing of leaves and the clacking of branches, the cheeky tunes of chickadees and the perpetual scolding of jays. By the house, however, especially at rush hour, there is a regular flow of sometimes noisy traffic. Last year, there was often trash in our yard, thrown out of the windows of passing cars. And the constant flow of traffic makes the yard feel somewhat too exposed and public. It was for those reasons we decided to plant some trees, hard up by the road, though back behind the sal...
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