We're number six! We're number six!
The anthology of Quaker bloggers, Writing Cheerfully on the Web (featuring, among others, yours truly!) made the top ten best-sellers this year at Quaker Books!
OK. Technically, that's way too many exclamation points. I would never let one of my writing students get away with that many exclamation points in a row.
But we're excited around here, and we don't care who knows it! And, if you haven't done so already, how about celebrating the New Year with us by picking up a copy of this (Extreme Bias Alert!) massively magnificent book?
"Topical and thought provoking writing from all the best Quaker Bloggers." (And I quote.)
We're number six! w00t!
The anthology of Quaker bloggers, Writing Cheerfully on the Web (featuring, among others, yours truly!) made the top ten best-sellers this year at Quaker Books!
OK. Technically, that's way too many exclamation points. I would never let one of my writing students get away with that many exclamation points in a row.
But we're excited around here, and we don't care who knows it! And, if you haven't done so already, how about celebrating the New Year with us by picking up a copy of this (Extreme Bias Alert!) massively magnificent book?
"Topical and thought provoking writing from all the best Quaker Bloggers." (And I quote.)
We're number six! w00t!
And that ranking doesn't include the 40 or so copies that I've sold directly out of my home.
w00t, indeed!
As for the pieces of Cat's that appear in the book, the two are:
"What Happens in a Quaker Meeting, Part 2: Ministry"
"Why Bother with the Bible?"
Thanks, Cat, for everything!
Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up
Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up
Where's your competitive spirit?
Oh. Yeah. Quaker. Oops. I sorta spaced that part for a sec... *grin*