I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Christian. Like many Pagans–like many Quakers–I have an intense Bible allergy. That book has been used as a blunt instrument to bludgeon human beings out of their own consciences for far too long, and no member of my society has escaped their share of blows, I think. However, unlike many Pagans, and unlike many Quakers, I have friends who have been able to share with me glimpses of another Bible, a different book, which actually has been a light for them as they’ve done some extraordinary and humane things. Their Bible is not a blunt instrument, and is only ever understood in the “Spirit that sent it forth.” I have learned that it can be worthwhile to challenge myself and my personal Bible allergy by listening to their Bible, when they speak from it, and even attempting to read in it myself, in that same Spirit. “I hate the Bible,” I have said. “Begin with the prophets,” one of my friends replied. And since she is a woman
Welcome to the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.