There's a bumper sticker I really love, that's something like "The people who could really run the country are all busy teaching school." I'll spare my readers my thoughts on running the country in the midst of this politically-loaded election year. But I will say that the people who normally run this blog have indeed been busy teaching school. Along the way, however, I did accept an invitation from Erik of Executive Pagan to do a guest blog over there. And for my reflections on teaching as a spiritual activity in general and on teaching spiritual practices in particular you should wander over to Executive Pagan for a visit. (If you don't follow Erik's blog regularly, I recommend it; he's one of the most thoughtful and literate Pagan bloggers I know.) Erik will be back in the saddle at his own blog at the end of this week; I hope to have some new content up at this site by the end of the weekend, too, perhaps focusing on where nature meets Quaker i...
Welcome to the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.