Part I: Culture Shock Part II: A Society in Upheaval Part III: Fairy Gold Part IV: Oppressor and Oppressed Part V: Speaking in Meeting, Kenyan-Style Part VI: Paths I Might Have Taken Peter's Spiritual Journey Begins... As a missionary in Africa today, Eden Grace doesn’t see herself as “bringing God to Kenya,” the way early missionaries would have, but rather as coming to Kenya to find the ways that God is already at work there. She accepts, with open eyes, all of the failings and all of the harm done by missionaries before her, and sees that still, on the ground, there is work to be done. Eden gets both halves of the contradiction: the Bible is her source of strength and inspiration and guidance and inspiration and connection with God, and the Bible is full of fables and fallacies and failings and corrosive, destructive teachings. Eden has grasped both polar opposites and holds them both, where, when I was younger, they tore me apart. One thing I realized while I w...